We are living in very difficult times and all of us are suffering in one way or another, either physically – with the virus, emotionally – with being separated from those we love due to self-isolating or mentally with the thoughts and anxieties that this dire situation is producing.
So rather than focus on what we all know is true – I wanted to focus and write about gratitude.
I know life is hard and times are tough, but we all have things we can be grateful for and it has been hard to bring the list down to just 5 things – but here are mytop5ofeverything things I am grateful for:
1. Family
2. Friends
3. Freedom
4. Flowers
5. Food
1. Family: Everyone is grateful for the family they have, but do we really appreciate them?
My Dad: taught me to swim and to sail. He taught me to drive and to be strong and independent. He’s cared for our family all his life and for that I will always be grateful.
My Mum: taught me the power of a quiet and mild spirit and I miss her more with each passing day. She lost her battle against cancer 12 months ago and my heart is still broken. Yet I am grateful for the time we spent together. She knows the depth of my love for her and I know I did everything I could to help her survive those last days and weeks.
My brother: has a been a rock to lean on, a listening, sympathetic ear and a provider of wine and I am grateful for his love and understanding.
My husband: loves me unconditionally and I could not ask for more and even though we’re locked in the house together 24/7 he still has the ability to make me laugh.
My kids and grandkids of our melded family: they keep me grounded and bring me joy. I love seeing the grandbabies and holding them tight. I can’t wait to hold them again.
2. Friends: These people (and you know who you are) are my support network, my emotional safeguards and my life would be desolate and bleak without them. And I appreciate them so much more today because I cannot see them face-to-face nor hug them. I love the ability of the internet to link us together, but nothing helps heal a broken heart more than the touch of another human being. I am saving up all my hugs for the time when we emerge from this dark tunnel, from our houses and back into the light. Thank you for being my friends.
1. Freedom (to travel): Many of the blogs I have written have been about my travels. Mr B and I have been very lucky to have both the time and the wherewithal to be able to travel and see the wonders of this world. And those of you who follow my blog will know that I love the beach!
Many of us are now self-isolating and we only get to see our own four walls or maybe the streets around us, none of which might be the most beautiful places to be.
But imagine.....
Spend time being grateful for where you have been in the past – relive the moments. Root through your photographs and make scrapbooks and memory boxes.
Make a list of the places you have always wanted to visit and keep it where you can see it so it reminds you that this too will pass, and we will be able to travel and be free once more.
4. Flowers: they make each day a little brighter, don’t you think? I love having flowers in the house especially spring flowers, for the vibrant colours of yellow Daffodils and red Tulips and the perfect scent of Hyacinths. So be grateful for the beauty that surrounds you and if it’s not inside then go outside and walk and look and absorb the world as best you can. Be grateful for the coming spring, the new green leaves and the joy of nature and what God has given us.
5. Food (and toilet rolls): Are we not all grateful for food and especially now when we can only shop for essentials and we’re all cooking from scratch at home? These tough days might bring out the MasterChef in you, who knows? – see what you can learn and achieve with what’s in the fridge. Excite yourself with tastes and textures. Be grateful that we have food – full stop!
I tell you what I miss the most? Going out for coffee with family or friends and the freedom to travel to a coffee shop for an indulgent Cappuccino in the morning, a bouquet in hand to give as a gift and receive a hug in return.
All 5 of my top things in one moment.
This too will pass